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The DVGW Set of Rules are drawn up by the DVGW technical committees. Project groups, technical committees and steering committees are involved in this process.

Gas transfer station; © DVGW, Foto: Thomas Kersting


Elaboration of the DVGW Set of Rules

The DVGW standards are a clear manifestation of technical self-regulation in Germany. Specialists from the gas and water industry shape the standards themselves and German law specifi cally refers to these documents. This principle indicates on the one hand “best practice” solutions, on the other hand it supports the compliance with legal requirements. The pooling of specialist competence at the national level lays the foundation for international cooperation within Europe and beyond. Within the standardization bodies DIN, CEN and ISO, DVGW plays a key role in shaping European and international standards.
The DVGW standards are a clear manifestation of technical self-regulation in Germany. Specialists from the gas and water industry shape the standards themselves and German law specifi cally refers to these documents. This principle indicates on the one hand “best practice” solutions, on the other hand it supports the compliance with legal requirements. The pooling of specialist competence at the national level lays the foundation for international cooperation within Europe and beyond. Within the standardization bodies DIN, CEN and ISO, DVGW plays a key role in shaping European and international standards.

Elaboration of the DVGW standards takes place in the DVGW technical committees. It is incumbent upon the six steering committees (SC) to manage and control the technical work, to pass the standards as well as to co-organize the research work. The technical committees (TC) draw up the work schedules, coordinate the definition of rules, hold appeal negotiations, oversee the research projects and pass basic principles of certification. The formulation of rules, the preparation of technical statements, the formulation of basic principles of certification and vocational training are ultimately carried out in the project groups that are formed on a temporary basis depending on their task.

Committee structures

The DVGW's committee structure is made up of various steering committees from the specialist areas of gas and water.

Steering Committees (SC) Gas

SC 1 Gas supply with Technical Committees (TC)
SC 2 Gas application with Technical Committees (TC)
SC 3 Underground storage

Steering Committees (SC) Water

SC 1 Water management/water quality with Technical Committees (TC)
SC 2 Water supply systems with Technical Committees (TC)
SC 3 Water applications with Technical Committees (TC)

DVGW Steering Committees Gas with Technical Committees


The Steering Committee for Underground Gas Storage Facilities is concerned with coordinating and combining national and European normative and legal developments in the field of gas storage.

Contact person
For general questions about this topic, please contact
Frank Dietzsch
Hauptgeschäftsstelle / Gastechnologien und Energiesysteme
Phone+49 228 91 88-914

The Gas Applications Steering Committee is responsible for the coordination and bundling of national and European normative and legal developments as well as the steering of the subordinate Technical Committees in the field of gas applications. 

Technical Committees of SC 2
  • Gaseous fuels
  • Domestic, commercial and industrial gas applications
  • Gas installation
  • Components and Auxiliary Materials - Gas
  • Natural gas filling stations and vehicles
  • Liquid Gas (Joint Technical Committee together with DVFG [i.e. German Liquid Gas Association])
  • Industry and Power Plants
  • Biogas (Joint Technical Committee together with Fachverband Biogas e.V. [i.e. professional association biogas] and DWA - German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste)
Contact person
For general questions about this topic, please contact
Dr. rer. nat. habil. Paschalis Grammenoudis
Hauptgeschäftsstelle / Gastechnologien und Energiesysteme
Phone+49 228 91 88-803

The ST 1 Gas Supply is concerned with the bundling and coordination of national and European normative and legal developments and with the control of the subordinate Technical Committees in the field of gas supply.

Technical Committees of SC 1
  • Gas transmission pipelines
  • Compressor plants
  • Gas distribution
  • Plant engineering
  • Gas measurement and billing
  • Gasarmatura
  • Materials and welding technology
  • Dispatching
  • External corrosion
Contact person
For general questions about this topic, please contact
Andreas Schrader
Hauptgeschäftsstelle / Gastechnologien und Energiesysteme
Phone+49 228 91 88-982
DVGW Steering Committees Water with Technical Committees


The SC 3 Water Utilization deals with the coordination and control of the technical committees in the field of water utilization.

Technical Committees of SC 3
  • Interior corrosion
  • Hygiene in drinking water pipes
  • Pipes and pipe joints made of metal
  • Fittings and drinking water heaters inside buildings
Contact person
For general questions about this topic, please contact
Dr. Karin Gerhardy
Hauptgeschäftsstelle / Wasserversorgung
Phone+49 228 91 88-653

SC 2 Water supply systems deals with the coordination and control of the subordinate Technical Committees in the field of water supply systems (water transport, distribution, storage).

Technical Committees of SC 2
  • Network documentation
  • Plant engineering
  • Benchmarking
  • IT security
Contact person
For general questions about this topic, please contact
Peter Frenz
Hauptgeschäftsstelle / Wasserversorgung
Phone+49 228 91 88-654

SC 1 Water management / Water quality deals with the coordination and control of the subordinate Technical Committees in the field of "Water Management/Water Quality".

Technical Committees of SC 1
  • Groundwater and resource management (Joint Technical Committee together with DWA - German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste)
  • Water quality (used jointly by the SC 1 and 2)
Contact person
For general questions about this topic, please contact
Dr. Claudia Castell-Exner
Hauptgeschäftsstelle / Wasserversorgung
Phone+49 228 91 88-650
DIN / DVGW Committees

DIN-DVGW Joint Section "Drinking water"

DVGW and DIN have been working closely together for many years in the field of technical regulation and standardization in the water (and gas) sector. Due to the European harmonization and globalization and the recognizable shift of standardization towards CEN and ISO, a stronger cooperation in the setting of technical regulations and standardization between DVGW and DIN has become meaningful, which has found its expression in the DIN-DVGW joint section "Drinking water".

With 18 working committees and sub-committees, the DIN-DVGW joint section "Drinking water" sets out the rules and standards for this area.

DIN-DVGW Joint Section "Drinking water" with Gemeinschaftsgremien (in German only)

DIN Standards Committee for Gas Technology (NAGas)

The DIN Standards Committee for Gas Technology (NAGas) is responsible for standardization tasks in the fields of gas supply and use. In this process, specifications of a constructive and performance-related nature are defined with regard to material and quality requirements as well as the test method. Functional standardisation is also being pursued within the framework of European harmonisation.

Standards Committee for Gas Technology (NAGas)

  1. In order to deal with specialist issues, in particular those of the DVGW Set of Rules, steering committees are set up by resolution of the Presidium, which in turn set up Technical Committees as required for the treatment of sub-areas. Technical committees deal with subject-specific sub-areas within a steering committee. Steering committees and technical committees set up project groups to deal with specialist topics. As a rule, they are dissolved after their tasks have been completed. In order to fulfil its statutory duties, the DVGW may set up further specialist committees. The expert committees are structured according to the fields of gas, water and gas/water. The Vice-Presidents are responsible for supervising the technical work.
  2. The Steering Committees also have the task of introducing research initiatives or advising on proposals for research projects.
  3. Unless otherwise stipulated in accordance with § 13 clause 5, the members of the steering committees are appointed by the Presidium.
  4. The members of the specialist bodies shall be independent in their activities from any instructions concerning the content of their work.
  5. Further provisions on the composition and activities of the specialist bodies are contained in rules of procedure issued by the Presidium.

(* The German version of the statutes of DVGW is legally binding.)