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Technical self-regulation, rule-making and standardisation

The DVGW set of rules and regulations is an integral part of technical self-regulation in Germany. It forms the basis for all activities in the gas and water industry.

DVGW Set of Rules; © DVGW

Standards at the highest level

The DVGW Set of Rules

The DVGW Set of Rules are a visible expression of technical self-administration in Germany and create standards at the highest level. The gas and water industry itself creates the rules, which are then recognised by the legislature. The DVGW regulations form the basis for all activities in the gas and water industry (CO2, H2, CH4 and H2O). It offers security for action and legal certainty. To this end, the DVGW relies on around 3,000 volunteer experts in 280 technical committees, who have now created around 800 codes of practice and information sheets, as well as test specifications and 700 DIN standards. Many of these – especially in the energy sector – are also available in English.
The DVGW Set of Rules are a visible expression of technical self-administration in Germany and create standards at the highest level. The gas and water industry itself creates the rules, which are then recognised by the legislature. The DVGW regulations form the basis for all activities in the gas and water industry (CO2, H2, CH4 and H2O). It offers security for action and legal certainty. To this end, the DVGW relies on around 3,000 volunteer experts in 280 technical committees, who have now created around 800 codes of practice and information sheets, as well as test specifications and 700 DIN standards. Many of these – especially in the energy sector – are also available in English.
Technical self-regulation

In Germany, the legislator only defines the basic requirements and thus creates the legal framework, compliance with which is monitored by state authorities. The development of the generally recognised state of the art is undertaken by the industries themselves. Their norms and standards, together with the legal framework, form the basic structure of technical self-administration. They define terminology, interfaces, safety, system and quality requirements, as well as the basis for testing and certification, and thus create a uniform understanding across disciplinary boundaries. 

This division of competences ensures that the economy is largely self-organised. One advantage of this method is that it allows for rapid rule-making adjustments in line with technical and scientific progress. Technical rule-making also supports legally compliant action and forms the basis for resilient economic investment.

This results in a high-level, broad-based system of technical self-regulation that relieves the state of the burden of technical expertise and reduces bureaucracy. This principle of cooperation is a cornerstone of German technology and environmental law.

The Rule Creation

Under the auspices of the DVGW, for example, technical committees consisting of volunteer and independent experts from various fields develop technical rules for natural gas, hydrogen and drinking water. The experts come from supply and disposal companies, industry, engineering firms, administration and science in order to be able to draw on the widest possible range of information and experience. The rules are developed in transparent processes in which the professional public is extensively involved. This is how the codes of practice and technical rules receive their technical legitimation and recognition as generally recognised rules of technology, which are referred to in laws and ordinances (‘technology clauses’). At the national level, the DVGW cooperates with organisations such as the German Institute for Standardisation (DIN) and the Association of German Engineers (VDI). At the European and international level, it works with CEN, CEN-ELEC and ISO.

Direct contact to wvgw customer service
The DVGW Set of Rules is distributed by our subsidiary wvgw Wirtschafts- und Verlagsgesellschaft Gas und Wasser mbH. Contact us if you would like to subscribe to the set of rules or if you have any questions about your subscription or product in general.
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