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Hauptgeschäftsstelle des DVGW in Bonn


Contact the DVGW using our contact form, or visit us personally in Bonn. Find out how to reach us by car or public transport!

Hauptgeschäftsstelle des DVGW in Bonn; © DVGW
Contact form

In case you have not found your specialist contact person on our websites, please fill in the contact form to get in touch with a representative of the DVGW head office department you need to contact.

Contact the departments of the DVGW head office

How to reach us!

Adress of DVGW
DVGW Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches e. V. - Technisch-wissenschaftlicher Verein
Josef-Wirmer-Str. 1-3, 53123 Bonn
Phone+49 228 91 88-5
How to reach us: by car
Keep to the right after the exit, turn right onto "Konrad-Adenauer-Damm" and keep to the right again. Turn into "Julius-Leber-Straße". At the roundabout, turn right into street "Basketsring" and you are immediately at the Telekom Baskets car park, where the DVGW has its guest parking spaces. There is sufficient parking space available. Car park is open from 8 a.m. To get to "Josef-Wirmer-Straße", return to "Julius-Leber-Straße", cross it and see "Josef-Wirmer-Straße" on the left.