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Working Internationally for the Future

The DVGW contributes its expertise in the gas and water sector through international networking, while at the same time ensuring that innovative ideas from abroad can also be used in Germany.


DVGW's International Partners

In alphabetical order according to the abbreviations of our partners

Associação Brasileira das Empresas Distribudoras de Gás Canalizado, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Europäischer Flüssiggas Verband, Brussels, Belgium

AENOR Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación, Madrid, Spain

Association Européenne des Fabricantes d'Appareils de Commande et de Régulation, Vilvoorde, Belgium


Association Française du Gaz, Neuilly sur Seine, France

Association Française de Normalisation, Saint-Denis La Plaine, France


American Gas Association, Washington D.C., USA

Fédération Suisse d'entreprises de technique des eaux et des piscines, Bern, Switzerland

European Committee of Domestic Equipment Manufacturers, Brussels, Belgium


Comité Européen de Normalisation, Brussels, Belgium

European Committee for the study of corrosion and protection of pipes and pipeline systems, Brussels, Belgium

Comité Français du Butane et du Propane, Puteaux, France


Canadian Gas Association, Ottawa, Canada

China Gas Association, Beijing, China

Czech Gas Association/Český Plynárenský Svaz, Prague, Czech Republic


Comitato Italiano Gas, San Donato Milanese, Italy

The European Association for the Promoting of Cogeneration, Brussels, Belgium

Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment, Paris, France

China Urban Water Association


Danish Gas Technology Centre, Hørsholm, Danmark

European Association for Ductile Iron Pipe Systems, Griesheim, Germany

The European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchanges-gas, Brussels, Belgium


European Biogas Association, Brussels, Belgium

Emission Database for Global Atmosheric Research, Ispra, Italy


Association of the European Heating Industry, Brussels, Belgium

European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas, Brussels, Belgium

European Organisation for Technical Approvals, Brussels, Belgium

European Research Institute for Gas and Energy Innovation

European Union of National Associations of Water Services, Brussels, Belgium

Brussels, Belgium

European Association of Internal Combustion Engine Manufacturers, Brussels, Belgium

European Association of Pump Manufacturers, Brussels, Belgium

The European Association of Manufacturers of Gas Pressure and Safety Devices, Cologne, Germany

Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking, Brussels, Belgium

Serbische Gasvereinigung (i.e. Serbian Gas Association), Belgrade, Serbia

Brussels, Belgium

European Gas Research Group, Brussels, Belgium


Gas Infrastructure Europe, Brussels, Belgium

Ljubljana, Slowenia

International Association of Water Works in the Rhine Basin, Düsseldorf, Germany


International Energy Agency, Paris, France

Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers, Kegworth, Derbyshire, England


Research and Development Center of Gas Technology, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegowina


International Gas Union, Barcelona, Spain


Istituto Italiano dei Plastici, Milan, Italy


Istituto Italiano del Marchio di Qualita, Milan, Italy


International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland


International Water Association, London, England


Japan Gas Association, Tokyo, Japan

Riga, Latvia


Korean Gas Union, Seoul, South Korea

EA Rijswijk, The Netherlands

Koninklijke Vereniging van Gasfabrikanten in Nederland, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands


KWR Watercycle Research Institute, EA Rijswijk, The Netherlands

Technical Association of the European Natural Gas Industry, Brussels, Belgium

New European Research Grouping on Fuel Cells and Hydrogen – the research grouping of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking FCH 2 JU, Cologne, Germany

Natural & Bio Gas Vehicle Association, Brussels, Belgium

Österreichische Vereinigung für das Gas- und Wasserfach (i.e. Austrian Association for Gas and Water) , Vienna, Austria

Polish Gas Association, Warsawa, Poland

Asociación Española del Gas, Barcelona, Spain


Swiss Society for Corrosion Protection, Zurich, Switzerland

Slovak Gas and Oil Association, Bratislava, Slovakia

Slovak Gas and Oil Association, Bratislava, Slowakia

La Société Suisse de l’Industrie du Gaz et des Eaux, Zurich, Switzerland

Association of Water Technology and Sanitary Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia


Water Innovation Circle, Bonn, Germany

Water supply and sanitation Technology Platform, The European Water Platform, Brussels, Belgium

International partners without a website known to us:

  • Gas BH, Gas association BiH
    Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegowina
  • NP SRO Association of Builders of Moscow Region
    Lyubertsy, Russia
  • Gasgemeinschaft, Gas supply and installation professional association
    Pècs, Hungary